Make it in Design Winter 2023

For the last 3 years I've taken part in the Make it in Design online design school. The 'school' provides the opportunity to design to a brief in three tracks - beginner, intermediate and advanced. Over the 4 weeks, 2 trend briefs are assigned and 2 creative briefs. As a self-taught designer (I still find it uncomfortable to use that term) I hadn't worked to a brief before, and this was a great opportunity to do just that. A Facebook group is formed for all students and it's a really supportive, encouraging community ranging from beginners to established pattern designs. It's amazing to see so many stunning designs, all so different but from the same brief.
For Winter School 2023 I took two of the tracks, which resulted in 4 different designs, In some cases I was able to make a number of designs to go with the main pattern, but in others only 1 other design. I then used the designs to make mock-ups of products to see how the pattern would like 'in real life'. Here they are:
'Shifting Sands' Think ripples in the sand left by water
This design was chosen as a 'Top Pick' by Porter and Brawn, who design the trend briefs
'Highland Shores' Mackerel, langoustine and crabs scuttle among seaweed
'Kaleidoscope' Shapes colliding, swirling and geometrics
'Gingko Delight' Art deco design inspired by the beautiful Gingko leaf
Mock-ups by Creatsy, Indoorsy Project and Make it in Design